
Course List

Course List -Physics


Course# Course Name (Link to Related Courses)
Introduction to Physics A survey of physics emphasizing applications of physics to modern life. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT090, or MAT091, or MAT092, or MAT093, or equivalent, or satisfactory score on Math Placement exam. Course Note: Students may receive credit for only one of the following: PHY101 or PHY101AA.
Includes motion, energy, and properties of matter. Prerequisites: MAT182, or MAT 187, or one year high school Trigonometry with a grade of C or better, or permission of Department or Division. Course Note: PHY111 is recommended for preprofessional and suggested for certain other majors. Students may receive credit for only one of the following: PHY111 or PHY111AA.
Includes electricity, electromagnetism, and modern physics. Prerequisites: PHY105 or PHY111.
Kinematics, Newton's laws, work, energy, momentum, conservation laws, dynamics of particles, solids, fluids, mechanical waves, and sound. Prerequisites: MAT220, or MAT221, or permission of Department or Division. One year of High School physics or PHY111 and PHY112 suggested but not required.
Electric charge and current, electric and magnetic fields in vacuum and in materials, and induction. AC circuits, displacement current, and electromagnetic waves. Prerequisites: MAT230, or MAT231, or permission of Department or Division, and PHY121. Corequisites: MAT241 or permission of Department or Division.
Heat, entropy, and laws of thermodynamics; wave propagation; geometrical and physical optics; introduction to special relativity. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PHY116 or PHY131 or permission of Instructor.