
One on One Tutoring

One on One Tutoring

Tutors are available for one-on-one help in the Learning Commons for Math, Writing, Science and a variety of courses on a first-come, first-serve basis.

The Learning Commons is located on the Lower Level of the Fannin Library. Check-in at the tutoring Check-In Desk using your student ID number, and we will match you with a tutor. If there are no in-person tutors currently available when you check-in, we may connect you to an online tutor during that time. You will visit with your tutor to work on a single question/concept during a session and may check-in again for additional sessions. 

Learning Commons Hours

Fall 2024 Hours: 
August 19 - December 13 
Mon-Thurs 9am-6pm
Fridays       9am-1pm

Subject Schedules

One-on-One Tutoring sessions for writing and all math courses up through Calc 1 are available all the hours we are open in the Lower Level, Fannin Library.  All other subject tutoring hours may vary according to tutor availability.  

Come back later to see tutoring times for additional courses on our Subject Schedule.

Subject schedules are tentative and may change without notice.  For advanced math, chemistry, physics, biology, anatomy & physiology, and statistics, please call our main number 602-285-7486 during our hours of operation to determine the availability of a tutor for your course.

Additional tutoring may also be available in the Chemistry (Building C, Room C308) and Business (Building B, Room B301) departments for students enrolled in those respective courses.